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3 Quick Methods To Diagnose Communication Problems between Magento and Google Checkout

There is a lot going on when Magento actually sends a cart to Google Checkout, even more so if you are using Merchant calculated shipping. As a result lots of things can go wrong, with the merchant calculated shipping callback or with the actual server to server posting of the cart contents.

To help you with diagnosing problems I thought I’d shared my top 3 methods for finding out what is going wrong when Magento and Google Checkout are not communicating properly.

1) The Intergration Console

The first and most obvious place to try is the Google Checkout Intergration Console. As you can see in the screenshot below the console is hidden away in the Tools tab of the main seller dashboard. You’ll find it at the bottom of the left menu.

The Intergration Console is tucked away in the tools tab at the bottom of the left menu.
The Intergration Console is tucked away in the tools tab at the bottom of the left menu.

If the Google callbacks have failed or incorrect XML has been sent to Google you will find a report of the errors here. It is a good idea to keep an eye on the timestamps as you do not want to wind up chasing an old problem. It’s also good to periodically check this console while in production, just in case something starts to go wrong. I found when I upgraded to the latest Magento that the HTTPS callback was failing, but I hadn’t found it during development because I do not use SSL in development environments.

Continue reading 3 Quick Methods To Diagnose Communication Problems between Magento and Google Checkout

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Magento 1.1.7 Google Checkout and Free Shipping

I have been working with the Magento E-commerce platform and have to say it’s generally pretty slick. I ran into a problem though when trying to get the Google Checkout integration working. The error message in the Google Checkout integration console was:

"We were looking for data in your merchant-calculation-results, but were not
able to find it: result: address-id: XXXXXX"

The problem was that the XML response Magento was sending back had the correct calculations for each shipping method that was available but it didn’t include the shipping methods that were not available for the address. These are required according to the Google Checkout XML API Docs.

Continue reading Magento 1.1.7 Google Checkout and Free Shipping